Purchasing Power helps you get what you need when it matters most, when paying cash or credit is challenging. From brand-name computers and electronics to furniture and appliances, we’re here for you with a program you can trust. Get your product up front and then pay over 12 months directly from your paycheck.
While not a discount program, we provide you with a reliable way to fit unexpected purchases into your budget. You’ll always know the total product cost upfront - no credit checks, down payments or hidden fees.
Purchasing Power allows you to get the products you need now and pay for them over time, directly from your paycheck. Shop thousands of brand name electronics, computers, furniture, appliances, and so much more. Enjoy a better way to pay over time and receive your products upfront. You won’t have to worry about missing payments and we’ll never check your credit.
You will be eligible to purchase if your annual compensation is at least $16,000 and you have been an active employee for at least 6 months.
Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, customer service and more.
Who is the provider?
How can this help me?
When you want the option to pay for your purchase over time, you can get what you need and get it when you need it. And it's simple.
There are many reasons why you would want to make a purchase through this program:
How do I find out what products are available and the costs?
What if my employment status changes?
When will the first payment come out of my paycheck?
How long does it take to process my order?
What should I do if I want to return an item?
What happens if payroll deductions cease?